Thanks to the aggregation services that can be provided by Energy Communities, demand flexibility in the residential sector can become attractive and generate revenue streams.
In fact, by unifying the flexibility provided by several members in one entity, the Aggregator can achieve considerable volumes and offer flexibility services to the balancing markets, thus allowing small users to participate in this market. Therefore, if the Community Aggregator meets the required conditions, it can participate directly in the market by offering aggregated flexibility. The supply of flexibility services presupposes the activation of a number of other services that the Community, in the role of Aggregator, must provide. First of all, it is necessary to control and monitor consumption and production assets.
In addition, it is necessary to formulate forecasts both on the consumption side, and on the production side, as well as on the elasticity of demand related to changes in prices. Finally, the analysis and monitoring of recharging features of electric vehicles (considered to increase significantly in the coming years) becomes particularly relevant. The control of trends and periods of the day of the recharges could allow to use the set of vehicles as a decentralized storage that can provide high levels of flexibility.
So, the Aggregator unifies the flexibility conferred by individual prosumers into a single entity, which, based on the number of adherents to the service and on the flexibility offered, will result in the availability of a greater or lesser amount of flexibility. The prosumers are remunerated (through money or bill savings) for the flexibility provided by the Aggregator.