The settlement, “Aspra Spitia”, hosts the workers of the nearby Aluminum factory and their families, about 3000 inhabitants in total. Besides residential buildings, there are educational buildings, public services and infrastructure and retail shops serving the local community. The majority of residents are plant workers, so human relationships forged in the workspace are carried over to the neighbourhood and vice versa creating a strong sense of community.
The following business cases are implemented:
Energy Community as an Energy Service Company (ESCO) offering energy management services:
The ACCEPT tool suite supports these services providing continuous Energy Performance Contracting monitoring and energy profile optimisation on both individual member level through tariff-based Time of Use optimisation and on aggregated level in order to promote community self-balancing and self-consumption
Energy Community as an Energy Service Company (ESCO) facilitating P2P flexibility trading (shadow administration)
Within ACCEPT’s Project, Aspra Spitia (Greece, Mytilineos) is the only Pilot Site in which this business case will be tested. Provided services are:
- a platform that enables exchange of energy savings: enabling trading locally and exchange in return for a new energy efficiency product that one may want to purchase
- Services that give properly value of energy savings: valuing of energy efficiency via Blockchain, along with information and communication technologies and process automation
- Services with increased security and customer trust: Blockchain is made secure through its cryptography processes which means that customers’ energy saving data, information from financial institutions or data relating to any stakeholders in the energy efficiency market will be encrypted
- Services that help retain increased transparency: as Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology, data can be shared in a transparent manner on a secured and tamper proof platform
Energy Community as a Retailer
The Energy Community as a Retailer is supplying the community members with energy models and potentially participates in the wholesale market with the locally aggregated energy surplus.