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Pilot/Living Lab Spain

LASOLAR is a renewable electricity cooperative in Murcia, a region in southeast Spain 160 km from Argelia´s coast with 300 sunny days p.a. on average. The pilot site includes residences located in a city of 250,000 people, surrounded by several small towns. The residences available for ACCEPT demonstrations range from 10-storey block of flats to detached buildings with an avg. footprint of 100m2. Average residential consumption is ca. 3.500 kWh p.a., highly increased during summer periods due to cooling needs and gradually decreasing in winter times that are becoming shorter and warmer

The following business cases are implemented:

Energy Community as Flexibility Aggregator:

The energy community can assume the role of Aggregator to valorize the power flexibility of its assets on an accumulated basis through explicit demand response services offered to different market parties such as Distribution Ssytem Operators, Transmission System Operators, Balance Responsible Parties, etc.

Energy Community as an Energy Service Company (ESCO) offering energy management services:

The service offering include energy services inherent to energy efficiency and reduction of costs, in association with energy supply. These energy services would ideally be automated, and based on the profiling of the selected users, thus preserving their comfort preferences

Energy Community as a Retailer:

The Energy Community as a Retailer is supplying the community members with energy models and potentially participates in the wholesale market with the locally aggregated energy surplus.

Energy Community optimized operation via peer-to-peer (P2P) flexibility trading:

Trading based on P2P models makes renewable energy more accessible, empowers consumers and allows them to make better use of their energy resources. P2P trading allows participants to support their local communities by enabling them to consume renewable power and earn more from their distributed generation, with or without storage systems. At the same time consumers without renewable generation capacity can benefit directly from local renewable generation through P2P electricity trading


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