On January 12th and 13th, 2021, the EU-funded ACCEPT-Project was officially launched at the Kick-off-Meeting, which was held online due to the Covid19-Pandemic.
After a short project overview from our lead partner Hypertech Energy Labs, a round table was held where all 16 project partners got a chance to present their institutions to the consortium. Afterwards, all work packages were introduced by their respective leaders as well as the 4 pilot regions were shown. An INEA Project Officer's presentation about H2020 rules and roles rounded the meeting off.
The project will run until June 2024 with a total EU-contribution of more than 5.8 million Euros.

About the Project
Grid integration of variable renewable energy sources poses major challenges with respect to system stability due to demand-supply imbalances. Energy communities are emerging as a promising element to promote citizen involvement in the energy transition. However, ICT tools are required to extract and optimise the flexibility of residential energy resources to create financially viable operations based on citizen needs.
The EU-funded ACCEPT project intends to develop and deliver such a digital toolbox that allows energy communities to offer innovative digital services and access revenue streams that can financially support their functions and secure their sustainability and effectiveness.
The ACCEPT framework will be demonstrated and validated in four pilot sites in Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland involving more than 3000 people and 750 residences.